Shared Leadership – Involving Your Team In The Decision Making Process

Business isn’t necessarily complicated, but as business owners we often complicate it with our leadership style.

Shared Leadership is described as a leadership style that broadly distributes leadership responsibility, such that people within a team and organisation lead each other.

In a Podiatry practice that can look similar to the Leadership Team Troy Parsons put in place at The Podiatrist in Toowoomba, QLD 

Your selection for the Leadership Team in your practice is a key decision that will impact the overall success of the business.

Whom you choose is essential in executing your vision for your business and in setting the tone for the whole team. Your Leadership Team can remove some of the managerial burden from your shoulders and free you up to concentrate on developing ways to help your business grow and prosper.

You also get to maximise the talent within your team 

In his video, Troy discusses how putting a Leadership Team in place in his practice has improved business outcomes.

The results have been:

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